Choose The Right Career by Following These Simple Guidelines
Choosing the right career is a tough thing to do. Many fail to do that and end up with a job they dislike. This results in frequent job changes and then years down the line, finally you get into the profession that you want. Why does this happen all the time? This is because people mostly choose careers looking at its monetary gains, trend, growth prospects and job security in the long term. What they miss is, whether they are choosing a career based on a subject they love, or is there a passion for doing that job, or is it the kind of lifestyle you are looking at. Instead of asking these questions, most of them run after money and end up messing their entire career.
In this blog, let us discuss some crucial tips on how a person should be choosing his/her career.
Analyse Your Personality
Before choosing a career, you must be able to relate to it mentally. For example, an extroverted person can always go for outbound professions like marketing, journalism, or customer support. In all these professions, you have to deal with clients and a large part of your time will be spent on communication. Likewise, every job has some basic requirements, without which it is quite hard to survive in it. Go to as many websites you like and read articles on careers that you wish to join; figure out the pros and cons, kinds of personality required, salary and other details before deciding.
Think about Your Preferred Lifestyle
Your career should not force you to live a difficult life. As an individual, you should be psychologically aligned with it. For example, if you don’t like to travel too much, you should not be applying for any field jobs like sales, flight attendants and consultants, etc. It will destroy your mental peace and after some time, you will be demotivated and will have to quit from the job. Imagine yourself in the topmost position of your career and then find out whether visualizing that makes you happy or not. Careers that create an insane amount of work pressure are very tough to continue if you are mentally not ready to adapt to such a situation.
Is Money The Most Attractive Thing for You?
There are tons of individuals who feel that money is the only motivating factor in their life. Although this can never be a single point parameter, the obsession with monetary rewards has made people join professions that they are never comfortable with. For instance, investment banking is a very high paying career where your starting salary can be around INR 15-20 lakhs per annum, provided you have studied finance in any of the top B-schools. You will have a swanky apartment, luxury cars, five-star dinners; but, these people clock 100-120 hours every week.
These professions reward you for the risks and the pressure that you take in the workplace. If money is your only motivating factor, make sure you are physically and mentally fit to endure these hectic work schedules. This is true for all top end IT, finance and consulting firms who will squeeze your potential to an unimaginable level.
Assess Your Characteristics
Before choosing a career, it is always important to know about the pros and cons of the profession. While doing so, also figure out whether your characteristics go along with this profile. Let’s say you are an extroverted, go-getter kind of person; this would provide you sufficient opportunities to lead projects. Similarly, someone who is a bit laid back, but an excellent designer can be successful by just doing individual projects. This is how you need to analyse inner traits before choosing a profession.
In India, you will find IITians leaving top jobs and becoming authors, stand up comedians, motivational speakers..why do you think that happens? They realise after 4-5 years of corporate life that they want something else in their life. To avoid this, know your strengths very well and then choose what you are going to do.
Choosing a career is one of the toughest things on the planet. Every individual needs to see all sides of the coin and then arrive at a final decision. Of late, most professionals are switching their careers in their 30s, realising that they are in the wrong field. Although it’s not a problem to switch careers but if you want to be stable and happy in your career for an extended period of time, then comparing yourself with the qualities that the industry needs is very important.