Follow These Tips as Your School Exams are Approaching Nearer
As India is slowly going in for a systematic unlock process, students are busy preparing for exams. Schools are taking some project based tests or focusing on MCQ instead of long form descriptive answers. As the tests are conducted online, students are trying to get used to this new format. The experimental pattern of classroom exams have created confusion in the minds of most students. This is because unlike the west, the education system here is quite rigid and follows a traditional approach. Hence, one positive effect of this pandemic has definitely been that it has shaken up the old school format, which was much needed.
So, how should Students Prepare?
Students need to clear their ideas on subjects that require analytical approach i.e Science, Mathematics, Computer and Geography to name a few. Then they must go for short time quizzes and tests on the online platforms. Questions like True/False, Assumption/Reasoning and MCQ need to be practised in 10/15 minute slots.
Pick up a subject and answer 10 questions in 10 minutes and then check your scores. This should be the new way of preparing and SEARCHTEACHERS has a list of such short mock exams that you can easily pick up. These will help them to focus on the specifics and solve real life problems.
Project based academic curriculum is going to be the future and as a developing nation children need to be made aware of multidisciplinary courses that will help them learn things in a more comprehensive manner.
What are the Tutors saying?
A reputed school in Kolkata recently conducted a test on the myths surrounding Coronavirus to check whether the students are aware of it. Questions were asked on whether the virus spreads from newspaper, notes, food, how many hours it can survive and surprisingly most students could fare well in the exam, giving a clear indication that they are quite updated. Another faculty of Geography of an ICSE school asked students to solve multiple choice questions on the capitals and famous spots in the north eastern states. It was an online open book exam but the motto was that even if they are searching the book for answers, they still will have to read the chapters to find out.
Can the changes be Implemented in the Long Term?
Depending on the performance of the students, their parents and the tutors the exam pattern can see some modest changes in the next few years. Students need to be habituated with the new process by sitting for You can practice with large number of GK, current affairs and logical reasoning tests that will help you improve your aptitude skills. As the learning system is changing, students will have lesser syllabus to complete with more critical assignments. With time, the school system needs to get used to the new model. In-fact institutions with greater autonomy can set an example in this regard by conducting full length exams in the online mode with questions that will assess the quality of the students in terms of critical thinking. Hopefully the positive changes can be continued in the long term and will be encouraged through academic collaboration.