Why Learning in Your Mother Tongue is a Great Idea
No matter how prolific you are in speaking English, none other than the language you speak in Mother Tongue plays a crucial role in one’s overall development. Also known as the native language, it is the first language that a child is familiar with when they are in their mother’s womb. The native language is the epitome of a child’s formation, making them socially aware whilst shaping their thinking.
We are part of the modern society wherein technological advancements and globalisation has offered us with tremendous opportunities. Even, it is easy to acquire and access higher education that opens an appealing career option for us. Hence, we familiarise ourselves with the international language more than our Mother Tongue.
According to the research, pupils knowing the Mother Tongue have a better understanding of the curricular activities. Moreover, they have a positive attitude towards living. Including Mother Tongue in the education system ensures the social, personal and cultural development of a child. A child can only give importance to their cultural values if they know about their local language of communication.
Why is Learning a Mother Tongue So Essential?
Medium to Express and Communicate
None other than the Mother Tongue is the best medium to express one’s feelings. No matter how well versed you are in the international language when it comes to expressing one’s emotions, a child is more comfortable in conversing in their native language.
Ensures Intellectual Development
We cannot imagine an intellectual development in a child without a language. Understanding and expressing oneself, reasoning and acquisition of knowledge altogether promote the psychological development of children. It is only possible through the native language of a child.
Boosts One’s Ability to Understand
When a child is strong in his native language, it becomes easy for them to learn new things. In the lower level of schooling, learning is quite difficult for a child. When they learn it in their Mother Tongue, they can grasp it easily and with better memory.
Boosts Confidence
The process of learning becomes enjoyable when they learn in their Mother Tongue. Moreover, they feel quite confident with high self-esteem, distinctly boosting their personality. They don’t have to face the hurdle and pressure of learning a lesson in a foreign language.
Keeps One’s Culture Alive
Native language or the Mother Tongue plays a crucial role in making one aware of their cultural values. When one is proficient in their native language, it develops a sense of belongingness and one does not lose its essence. When they are fluent in the Mother Tongue, it keeps them connected to the cultural roots.
In the modern era, if a child is acquainted with the Mother Tongue, it improves their interaction and communication with locals and the world at large. Teaching a foreign language is not bad, but a child should not lose his cultural identity while not knowing the Mother Tongue. To keep the cultural identity of the nation alive, Boards include native language in the educational syllabus.