Why Students Need to Start Networking from an Early Age
Connecting with new people is a joyful experience for many, at least for extroverts. It gives them the scope to know about different viewpoints and engage in conversation with them. In the corporate world, this is known as networking and is considered to be one of the most vital aspects of career growth.
You meet with colleagues of your rival companies and explain your expertise to them. Within the office also you can grow your connections during the lunch breaks and start searching for better opportunities. The importance of networking is so high that premium Indian and global institutions complete their placements through a massive alumni network. In this blog, we discuss why students need to network from an early age to succeed in life
Networking Brings Valuable Information
When you mix with a lot of people, vital pieces of information keep coming to you. It can be a science quiz, contests, scholarship exams or job internships, and you need to bank on vital leads wherever it comes from. Your senior classmates and teachers can help you get employed faster through internal hiring and your friends would not even know about it. The more you open up to people, the more chances they will root for you whenever necessary.
Get the Best Advice
When you connect with professionals, they give you genuine advice on career growth and prospects, salary, qualities required and other details. Instead of rumours floating around the internet and your friend’s circle, these guys will give you the exact info you are looking for. Even if 2 out of 10 people help you, it means a lot in the competitive job market that is today. Compare the advice, search thoroughly on the internet and then go ahead with a decision you were planning to take. This process negates the chance of wrong decision making and provides you ample options to choose from.
Get Job Offers Through Referrals
College students find it hard to land a job just after they pass out of college. It is mainly due to their lack of experience and a resume that companies don’t find attractive enough. Students who regularly network, be it through social media, or associations or informal set ups are always at an advantage. They get appointments through referrals and these lateral placements can give you the much needed break in the corporate world.
Funding Your Business Ideas
Many students often come up with outstanding ideas that would do great business. But, due to lack of funding and awareness, they lose out on venture capitalists and angel investors who could have changed their fortune. In this regard, networking is, by far, the best option to convert your dream into reality. If you are looking to build a great app in the second or third year of engineering, who would help you? This is when your seniors who are in start-ups can connect you to the fund houses and you can be the talk of the town.
While you keep connecting with professionals on LinkedIn, don’t forget to continue your classes. Talking of classes,searchteachers has one of the best databases of tutors who will provide you academic guidance in finishing your courses successfully. Grow your connections on one end and keep preparing for your upcoming exams with our mock tests and study materials.